Hind Leys Pre School is known as forward thinking provision and high quality Early Years education. It has been a lead setting in Leicestershire for many years, offering support and mentorship through the Early Years sector. We are always learning. We create connections with like-minded professionals and settings – further developing our skills and approaches for the benefit of the children and families in our setting.
Our Director has been employed by Leicestershire County Council as an Initial Mentor Practitioner, and taken part in a programme offering support, visits and advice for settings highlighted to improve.
We have also run workshops provided by Leicestershire County Council for Educators and Teachers on how to deliver outstanding practice.
In past years we have hosted visits for training teachers from Discovery Schools – a teacher training project in Leicestershire.
We have provided nursery setting/mindfulness training to nursery chains.
We have worked on several government documents including ‘Mind the Gap’ and ‘Progress from the Start’.
We have been invited to London to be involved in Gifted and Talented work.
Our most recent work has been national, with settings spread across the country hosted by Professor Jan White.
A visit from Cedar Song Kindergarten in the US to our setting was inspirational. We have also attended several conferences put across by Prof. Jan White on ECO Projects, Urban Therapy and Outdoor Learning.
We are planning to visit Reggio Emilia in Northern Italy in 2022 and cascade their work back into our setting.