Our Nest day begins at eight o’clock. Quite soon after the early starters have arrived, we provide a little bit of breakfast. The staff will have already prepared a variety of experiences for our children so that they can come straight in and begin their learning.
The experiences that we offer are differentiated between the babies and toddlers. We provide sensory, messy, physical and heuristic play for all, but the staff will have given careful consideration to the needs of the children attending on each individual day.
Experiences for babies
Baby’s experiences are low-level, sensory and created to pique the interests of our youngest members. We provide tummy time. We set up provocations to encourage our babies to reach and stretch. We create very messy experiences that engage and involve all of our baby’s senses.
Experiences for toddlers
While the babies are developing, learning and engaging in a variety of experiences, our toddlers and older children become involved in experiences which stretch their abilities. We provide activities and an environment that pushes forward and encourages their critical thinking, resilience, confidence, numeracy and literary skills in a very natural and open-ended way.
We provide higher equipment to climb and more uneven surfaces for our children to navigate. We promote social and group time through a variety of experiences. We offer more messy/sensory play, water play and play which facilitates the schemas that our children display.
Both babies and toddlers have the freedom to explore wherever they choose.
Snack Time
Midway through a mornings play, we will gather for snack time.
To support the development of social skills, we encourage all of our children to sit.
More play / care routines
After our morning snack, we continue to learn through our experiences.
This is also when our care routines begin; morning sleeps for some, nappy changes, checking for wet/messy/muddy clothes and getting our children dry and clean so that they are comfortable and their wellbeing remains at a good level.
Gathering Time – smaller groups
At around eleven o’clock we begin to gather indoors.
At this time, we separate the babies and toddlers so that we can have smaller group times.
This time provides our older children with the opportunity to develop and learn the skills needed to be a Robin. We sit together, both indoors and outdoors. We might share a story, sing songs together, have music and movement times, practice our mindful skills with the Tibetan Singing Bowl or Singing Balls and learn breathing techniques. This is the ideal time for staff to teach our older children the skills they will need for a positive and smooth transition into the Robins.
The babies listen to music, experience body massage or simply share a book.
Lunch Time
Lunch time in the Cabin is a lovely, social gathering. Our toddlers sit at the tables while our babies use the high chairs.
We spend about half an hour, sitting and eating our lunches. These times provide the opportunity for the children to experience social ‘togetherness’. We talk, chat about the morning, and look at the variety of foods that the children bring.
Afternoon Session – New experiences, care routines
After lunch, some of our children go home and some children arrive to experience an afternoon session. Our morning experiences will have been removed and new/different experiences will be offered.
Many of our children sleep in the afternoons, so more changing times occur and we settle our children to sleep in the beautiful outdoor area, with outdoor beds, pushchairs and wind chimes.
The afternoons are busy times! We provide fresh experiences and are ready to explore the world all over again.
Afternoon snack time
At around two o’clock we gather forafternoon snack . We offer a variety of snacks and always provide a balance of foods.
End of day gathering time
Some of our children come to the end of their session around three o’clock, so around this time we will get our children clean and dry and ready for home.
We gather again as a whole group and share an experience which may involve the animals, music and movement, the musical instruments, time in the light room, sharing books and stories or just time to be together, developing relationships.
Some of our older children will also help the grown-ups to clean and have job time.
The late stay
By four o’clock many of our children have finished their sessions and the late stay begins. By five o’clock our day for the children is over. Staff will gather to reflect on the day, talk about observations they have made and organise ideas, experiences for the following day. We clean, organise and prepare for what tomorrow will bring.