Hind Leys Pre School is a registered charity. Whilst we receive most of our income from our fees, Early Years Settings are not well supported by the government reimbursement systems. We barely cover our costs with funded places, let alone have spare cash to develop our setting and train our dedicated staff team.
For this reason, we welcome any support you are able to give us. We are masters of making the most out of very little, so anything you are able to donate (be it time, money or resources) will be gratefully received.
Our fundraising efforts are co-ordinated by our parent-led Fundraising Team. If you’d like to join it, please email us.
Ongoing Opportunities to Support Us
Below are some of the ongoing ways you can support us.
My Nametags – Personalised labels for kids
Keeping your child’s clothes labelled with their name is important in a busy setting like ours where children will likely have multiple changes a day. If you purchase colour stickers from My Name Tags the company donates 20% of the fee to Hind Leys Pre School. The labels will stick on to clothes, bags, lunch boxes and last wash after wash. They also survive the dishwasher!
Please ensure that if you decide to buy a pack that you put our Pre School ID on your order (35655) to enable us to get the 20% donation.
See: www.mynametags.com
Amazon Smile
If you already shop at Amazon there is another easy way of raising funds. If you purchase goods via the Amazon Smile website (https://smile.amazon.co.uk) and choose Hind Leys Pre School as your charity, Amazon donate 0.5% of your total spend to our charity. It’s a small amount, but it really can add. You can bookmark Amazon Smile, or add a shortcut to your smartphone.
See: https://smile.amazon.co.uk
Snack Bar Donations
We always welcome donations towards our healthy snack bar. This might include fruit, ice poles in the summer or even some baked goods. If you send in homemade items please remember we are a nut free setting and, to help us support those with food allergies/intolerances and other dietary requirements, we need a list of ingredients. Thank you!