At HLPS, each day is carefully and lovingly crafted to create a nurturing environment that supports and develops our children. Whilst no two days are the same, this section gives you a glimpse into life at our Forest School and what our little adventurers get up to when they’re here.
The Nest
Our Nest day begins at eight o’clock. Quite soon after the early starters have arrived, we provide a little bit of breakfast. The staff will have already prepared a variety of experiences for our children so that they can come straight in and begin their learning … [Read More]
The Robins
Outside, we focus upon a small world experience of the mini people and houses. We promote story telling while interacting with these resources, listening, sharing and supporting the children’s conversations and play ideas. We offer the malleable opportunity of playdough … [Read More]
The Owls
It’s hard work being an Owl. Lots to listen to, understand and respond to. There are daily chores and expectations to be met and although we follow a daily routine, no two days are the same. The Owl’s are encouraged to be self sufficient and independent … [Read More]