Working together can enhance a child’s progress and resilience at Forest School.

We would like to share the following tips and information with our Parents so that we are both working together.

Robins begin their off-site adventures and our owls become competent Forest Schoolers.


  • Remind children to always be where you can see them. We play the 1-2-3 -where are you? Game in the woods.
  • Your child then answers…. “1-2-3 I’m over here!” this enables you to track their position. They are familiar with this from the beginning of their off-site visits.
  • Sticks are excellent tools- however we ask children to manage “safety” by always holding them pointing down to the ground. This prevents poking or eye prodding or any stick accidents.
  • Stopping and listening to sounds in nature – such as birds promotes listening and woodland sounds.

Skills in General

  • When your child is climbing ask them to think about their choices and ask them “is that safe?” this enables them to begin to do their own risk assessments.
  • Never lift a child to a place of height or to a tree that they did not climb up themselves. If they could not get up, they won’t be able to get down. It gives them reasons to practice. They feel such a sense of achievement when they finally conquer it.
  • Reminding children that lots of things in nature can give us a poorly tummy. Never put anything in our mouth without telling a grown up

We hope you find this information a useful share.

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